Oregon Breeding Bird Atlas


The purpose of the Oregon Breeding Bird Atlas Project was to conduct a volunteer-based statewide survey of all birds that potentially or actually nest in Oregon. The intent was to determine the species that are present in every part of the state during avian breeding seasons and, if possible, obtain evidence of breeding.

The Atlas is the largest and most comprehensive statewide inventory of birds ever conducted in Oregon. The collected information is crucial to improving the accuracy and precision of previously published maps and lists of species distributions. Such maps and lists are widely used by land managers in assessing resource management priorities and impacts, and by scientists and amateur birders for understanding bird distributions.

Field surveys were conducted over a five year period from 1995 through 1999. Over 800 volunteers participated in the surveys. Observers used whatever search techniques they felt were most effective in locating the widest variety of species in an area and confirming breeding by those species. No attempt was made to estimate relative or absolute abundance of any species. Some 844 standard-sized areas (grid units) of 435 km2 and 25 km2 were surveyed statewide. Survey efforts were not confined to "priority" units.

The data provide a permanent record of where different birds lived in the late 20th century, and can be used by future scientists to document changes in species' geographic ranges and effects of humans.

What�s special about Oregon�s Breeding Bird Atlas Project?